The key for cyclists is to not to strength train to failure as this will effect your overall cycling programme, which is counter productive.
Use compound movements as much as possible, this improves your overall strength, coordination and mobility, which translates into gains for your sport. Body building type isolated movements contribute little to being a better endurance athlete.
A simple routine would be the 5 exercises of 5-8 reps, 1-2min rest between sets, 3 times a week. Go heavy, using weights that allow you to lift no more than two reps in that set. Eg- If you can deadlift 75kg for a maximum of 8 reps, your set should be around 5-6 rep mark for the same weight.
Exercises to get you started:
Kettlebell swings
Dumbbell push-press
Barbell/Dumbbell Squat
Deadlift with trap-bar/dumbbells or smith machine
Dumbbell pullover
Push ups
Hanging leg raises
15 sec planks